Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tending to the Home

Although we have been renting a house for the past two years I have to face that this is not only a house. It is our first house together, it is our home.

This is the first picture I took of the house to show Holland and talk him into renting it!
Holland and I both got an itch in late May to look into buying a house and the best way I can describe that experience it tiring, stressful and overwhelming.  We got qualified, put in an offer at a low price on a house in the same neighborhood and got denied- all we can do is laugh about it now. We had no clue what we were doing. We were convinced that although we could afford the asking price it was completely reasonable for us to offer 25,000 less than what the listing price was and also ask for closing costs. Needless to say, we ended up not finding the home of our dreams in time even though we looked at around 20 homes in San Antonio. We simply ran out of time since we had to resign our lease in the beginning of July. I was sad, but my heart was still happy because I love the yellow house we are already in. I love the neighborhood and I have the most fabulous neighbors in the world. Our neighbors watch Hannah and Bleu for us if we go out of town and I pay them with cookies. We have dinner and mini happy hours together as well.

July 2011 before we moved in
May 2013 

While we were looking at houses around the area I put some house projects on hold until I knew we were staying here for sure.  Once I knew we were not moving and staying for another year the first project I wanted to tackle was the bathroom. My mom is super woman when it comes to cleaning bathrooms. She shined my tub and helped me re-caulk the entire tub and toilet. Before it was looking black/brownish and moldy EWW! It is now looking brand new and I even went and bought some new bubble bath to celebrate the new look!

Next up was to organize our utility closet. Holland keeps some brewing supplies in here but this is the cleaning closet as well. We also store lightbulbs, house tools and cables and cords etc. When we first moved in I got a plastic shoe hanger for the door and I stuff all the cleaning supplies in there. This is SO much easier because you can see everything and its on the door instead of under the sink. We went to the container store and got some shelving and I went to target and got some bins and VOILA. I inspired Holland to organize all his tool pieces and put everything away nice and neatly. I think I am starting to rub off on him a little bit. ;)

The next project was our bedroom curtains. I have been wanting black out curtains for a while. I could never find just plain ol' grey ones though! The ones we have had for the past two years let the sun shine right through which usually isn't a problem because during the school year I wake up before the sun comes up but it is SUMMER TIME.  Plus, our room is always very warm since we have so many exterior walls.

Our room before black out curtains. 
I went to Joanne's and found the material to sew onto curtains to make them block out a majority of the sunlight and hopefully I will see a difference in the utility bill next month.  I have a 15% off teacher card with Joannes and the fabric was 50% off so I got the material for all 6 curtain panels for less than $30.00! I was sewing like crazy for a day and you can tell the difference below! It was also good to get the curtains and down and dusted before putting them back up. 
Panel on left has black out material and one on right does not! SEEEE!?

The last thing I did was crafty!!!! I made two new pictures to go on our entry wall. One on the left is a key to our house which will probably be more significant once we move away in the future.  I want to always remember our first home together.  The broach on the right was my grandmothers and I NEVER knew what I should do with it. Now when I walk in everyday I will always think of her.
Hope you are all getting everything you need to get done in your homes.  Holland and I are trying to keep the garden alive and we have plans to try and block out the yard and the area behind the garage since Bleu cut his paw yesterday.  Thank you for all your love  for him on Facebook! He is doing well and we meet with our primary vet tomorrow and he will get checked up on and get a bandage change.  I will post something on him later.

Happy Sunday!


1 comment:

  1. The changes you are making on your home is absolutely beautiful! You,your mom,Vanessa and Rose are so crafty and creative. I am trying to do some stuff in our home. First on my agenda right now is to do some Xeroscaping on the side and backyard. Make it more inviting and more of a social area and just more enjoyable. You are quite an inspiration Amanda and Holland! Love ya both!!!
