I love Holland. I love how adventurous he is and when he goes off the crazy end it usually end up as a funny joke and we all laugh about it later. However, recently he has been making my blood flow a little quicker and makes me question my ability to survive panic attacks where I have no control of the situation. For the most recent post on Hollands "adventure" please follow the link below.
It has taken me a few weeks to recover from Holland putting himself in harms way from the auto accident but I have moved on. He told me he would make it a point to THINK before acting and here we are as I write another post about my lovely soul mate. So it was Wednesday July 3rd- We were hanging out on our dock at the lake house and watching the people across the lake pop fireworks into the sky. We cheered for them and then continued to relax and chat once they were over. It was around midnight when I decided to hit the hay and go to bed. I had my dogs and was facebooking when my mom came into the room and said
"The boat house across the lake is on fire!"
My first thought....
I get downstairs to the dock and I see something similar to the image below. I think "well yup that is definitely on fire". I also think in my head that since my cousin just called that it should not get much worse than this. Then I look at the jet ski ramp and see that one of our jet ski's is gone...... then I start thinking out loud. 1) WHERE IS HOLLAND? 2) WHERE IS MY SISTER? 3) oh noo......
Yes. Holland and my sister went over on the jet ski. Holland ran up the stairs to the huge house to try and let them know their boat house was on fire and my sister had a fire extinguisher from the jet ski that lasted about 30 seconds. She sprayed everything but the glowing never even slightly went away. Since it is completely dead on the lake and late you can hear very clearly. So I started yelling across the lake things in this kinda of order.
1) Okay..... I think y'all should come back now.
2) We already called so y'all can come back.
3) There is nothing you can do....
4) The fire department is on their way!!!!!
Vanessa was trying to get fire extinguishers out of their jet skis and then we hear her say that everything is really hot. Holland was on the other side of the boat house and I hear him tell Vanessa to go get him and she says she can't even see him. In my head I just kept thinking that something could explode with them over there and I was so worried and frustrated. Holland and Vanessa made it back safe and sound thank goodness and within minutes of their return the boat house went from having a glow to being completely engulfed in flames.

The other side of the lake is called Blue Lake and we live in Sunrise Beach. Blue Lake has a volunteer fire department and so it took them a long time to get there. From the time we made the first emergency phone call it had been about 40 minutes until they got there and they didn't start actually putting out the fire until an hour after we had called. We sat there in amazement watching them try to control it. We could hear the firefighters talking and yelling to get more water and one yelled angrily " I'M WORKING ON IT!". This became our theme phrase for the rest of the week like " Hey can you get me a drink? "I"M WORKING ON IT. Hey ness can you come play a game with us " IM WORKING ON IT!"
We heard the firefighters saying that they thought someone has started a fire and then tried to put it out. We all looked at each other and thought maybe it was because they found the fire extinguisher that ness took over there. I watched until the flames were completely put out and finally went up to bed around two a.m.
The next day we saw some people walking down and they were taking pictures and investigating the cause of the fire. It was pretty evident that it was fireworks because there were wrappers all over an area to the right of the boat house. We told them that two of our people came over and tried to put it out so thats why there was a fire extinguisher and they said that was okay and thanks for trying to help.
I cannot believe how quickly everything escalated and I am so glad that my sister and Holland got back before it got too crazy. When Holland rode up on the jet ski with Nessa I gave him the biggest stink eye. I told him he needed to start thinking of me when he was about to jump into something dangerous. He said he did think of me. He thought "Amanda isn't down here, so I should go across to the fire"
I am proud of Holland and all his bravery and willing to help rather than just stand aside but it scared the crap out of me. I called and talked with his dad to tell him the recent story about his son and his exact words were " Well Amanda, I don't know if it is every going to get better." TRUE. I am in love with a Lawrence boy and just with that last name you get a little crazy bug in you.