My mom and I after I won a pageant show. I was excited about the crown! |
Whenever I am having one of those days when I know I want for someone to just listen, be on my side and/or yell with me and cry with me... I call my mom. No matter what the situation, she stands by me. If I feel sad, she feels sad. If I am angry she gets angry too. I usually call her first because she will listen to me vent, then she vents with me. I also call her when the good things happen and usually when I am driving to and from work. It is rare if the day is coming to an end and we have not spoken on the phone. I love that about us.

I am lucky to have the relationship I do with my mom. I can quickly refer to her as a best friend and I can ask her any question and she gives me the best advice she can. She will also drop anything and everything to help me in any way possible. I am a grown 26 year old woman and the person I still ran to when I felt strep coming on a few weeks ago was my mom. She took me to the doctor, went and got my meds and ran to get me soup. It just feels good to be in your moms presence.
Mom and I at my 2011 M.Ed Graduation! |
One of my favorite stories is when my mom encouraged me to do the scariest thing ever in my life- Move away from home. I was in the middle of my first semester of college at SAC and Holland was in College Station. We were walking laps around a track at Incarnate Word and I was just telling her how much I missed Holland and how much I wanted to be in College Station, even though I probably wouldn't be a student at A&M yet. A&M was always my top goal, and I just felt so far away from it and even though I was only 18, half my heart was in another city as well. I remember she said " Amanda, you need to go there". I was worried what my dad would say, thinking I was just going there for Holland. She told me to write a letter to my dad explaining how I felt and why I wanted to make the transfer. Surprisingly, my dad walked right into my room and said he was fine if I was ready to move. Within a few months we were packing up and moving my stuff to a one bedroom apartment in College Station and I was enrolled at Blinn. I distinctly remember the feelings I felt when the moment came to tell my parents bye. When I hugged them my heart felt heavy and there was tightness in my throat. I am still not great at holding back tears, so that day they just came and I welcomed them. They were scared, nervous and happy tears. This was where I was supposed to be and it was just so strange that my parents weren't in this new place of my life. All throughout my six years in College both my parents were always there, just a phone call or drive away. I can never repay my mom for pushing me out of her nest that day on the track. I know I would have eventually made it to A&M even if I would have stayed in San Antonio longer. However, that move changed my life for the good and I was fully admitted to A&M one year after living in the city.

My mom still brings out the "kid" in my sister and I. When we go to the lake house, she is always sure to have stuff for s'mores so we can chat and grill treats by the fire. She still chases us with bugs and scares us and laughs at our screaming. Whenever we go shopping, she will purchase clothes for us. I always tell her " Mom, I HAVE A JOB! I HAVE MONEY!". She always tells me my money is no good.
Ness and I with mom on Mothers Day 2010. Yes Vanessa your hair still looks better dark and that balloon changed our life forever with its catchy tune when you hit it. |
Mom, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me for the past 26 years. I am so lucky to always have someone on my side to tell me that I have a right to feel how I feel and you always have pushed me to the be the best I can be. Thank you for always being a cheerleader on the sidelines for me. I love you SO much and I do not know if I can ever express how appreciative I am of you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Happy Mother's Day!
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