Pinterest has either totally limited by creativity or just made me spend so much time and money on projects because I cannot help it and I want anything and everything that looks efficient, adorable and crafty in our house. With the extra time on my hands this week, I have been pinning like a mad woman. However, I was able to actually do some of these pins since I had time! These are by far my favorite finds this week!
Okay so ladies and gents- you know how when you paint your nails and you stay sitting and refuse to do anything that may smudge or mess up your polish? I do! I came across this pin and really I thought "No way does that work!". So I tried it! I painted my nails with the color coat and then put on a clear coat, immediately sprayed Pam, yes PAM COOKING OIL on both my hands, counted to ten then washed my hands. HOLY MOLY IT WORKED! It looked like I went to the nail salon to get my nails done!! Truly amazing.
For the link on Pinterest follow this: PAM ON NAILS!
Holland and I are renting an older home. I have been wanting to regret the tub but refuse because we down own this house. There has been this ridiculously gross ring of mold around the tub that I have scrubbed countless times but nothing happens. I just gave up and have dealt with it for some time now UNTIL I CAME ACROSS A PIN ON PINTEREST! This blog said that you get the long strings of cotton from Sally's(the kind you use for perms) they are about 2 dollars a bag for 10 feet of cotton. One bag is enough to line your tub. You soak the cotton in bleach(holland advised me to mix the bleach with water so I did half bleach/half water). Line the cotton around your tub, you can use a q tip to push into the edges. Leave over night and VOILA!! THE MOLD IS GONE THE MOLD IS GONE!!!! This was like an early Christmas Gift to me! The other point I would make on this is to use some latex gloves so your hands done get all bleachy!
For Pinterest Pin: Getting MOLD out of SHOWER
Okay so Enough about oil and nasty mold in the showers, I made my first Christmas Craft!! I saw this at Hollands cousins house last year and have been wanting to make one every since.

You only need a few items- clothespins wire hanger, wooden beads and fun scrap book paper. Cutting the paper was the longest thing to do for this project. I put on a movie and just cut cut cut!
The finished product! |
Our elf on the shelf! Hopefully he doesn't make as much of a mess in our house as Bleu does!
Turkey vacation is over. Four weeks until We are off to skiing in Vermont for Christmas!
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