Do any of y'all remember how life was before all the technology and applications we had on our phone? I went through High School without Facebook(thank GOD!) and I did have a cell phone which would be considered Fred Flinstone style these days but I did not start texting and taking pictures with my camera phone until college. Holland went through ALL of High School without a cell phone and I really believe the only reason he finally got one was because he moved away to another city for school. He probably would still be without one if he had his choice.
Now days, I feel naked without my cell phone. If I lose it I panic and search all the tables and counter tops for where I left it. I use it as my alarm, I use it for my calendar to schedule EVERYTHING in my life and I of course now use it to text. I am not a huge texter. My sister is really the goddess of texting. However, if I am somewhere where I have a quick question or I want to send a funny picture I never hesitate to send a message.
Holland and I went to dinner at this pizzeria place called Dough recently and If you have not been there you must go but take something to do with you because the wait is usually 45 minutes to an hour and they do not take reservations! Holland had eaten here a few times before because he delivers Ranger Creek here and he would always tell me just how delicious everything is. Even though it was a long wait, it was worth it. The actual dining part did not take as long and Holland enjoyed a glass of red wine with his pizza. There was a symbol etched on his glass and I stared at it and then gasped!!!!!
I said "OH MY GOOOOD!!, Its the symbol from REVENGE!"
**If you do not watch revenge you better get on it because you are missing out BIG TIME**
Holland(who does watch revenge) looked at me like he totally did not understand. I then noticed the same symbol on the box with our leftover pizza in it. I said "AHHH there it is again!" REVENGEEEE! Then.....I realized that it was supposed to resemble "Dough"-Hence the name of the restaurant.... Holland just laughed at me and I said NO it is totally an infinity sign. When our waitress came by she kindly asked if there was anything else she could get us and so I excitedly asked her
"Doesn't this symbol totally remind you of the TV show Revenge?!" She looked at me like I had been released out of an asylum and needed to be put back in. I then just continued to ramble on and on about how it is the most amazing show and how I watched the entire season in 4 days(THATS RIGHT TWENTY TWO 45 minute Episodes in 4 days! ( I had a pinched nerve in my back)
Holland laughed at me and maybe he was a little embarrassed. I mean he does see these people every week when he delivers and now he may be known as the beer guy with the crazy girlfriend obsessed with some TV show.
To get the reaction I had been waiting for I texted one of my best friends, Allison Baggerly.
Of Course it it what I think of!!! THANK YOU for the reaction I was waiting for!
Holland and I always try to go to non chain restaurants. We like to support the businesses that are small and just getting started. Usually they have the best food in town anyways. A place called Bird Bakery opened up down the street from us a few months ago and I JUST told Holland how I wanted to go there and I cannot believe we have never been and then yesterday I get this Text from him....
I know all of you go through the lovely application of auto correct on your phones. I have seen some hilarious and very embarrassing ones before so this one is not as bad. Usually you can figure out what the person really wanted to say and sometimes it is just totally non- decodable. Whenever my phone autocorrects or mistypes a word, Holland just plays along with it....
How do you run? I would love to run like the T1000. But I think I am a slow version of the Geezer!
Happy Wednesday!
LOOOOOOVE it!! I cannot wait for Revenge to return. I wish we lived closer then we could watch Revenge together every week!