I like to think that there are more exciting things going on in our lives since we no longer have to study for exams, read textbooks and write papers. Instead we are in the real world and applying everything we have learned in college! WHOOP! There are definitely times where Holland and I look at each other and reminisce of our beloved Aggieland but we are truly enjoying our lives in San Antonio with family and friends and of course each other!
I am wrapping up my first year of teaching and Holland is approaching his first year with Ranger Creek Brewery and Distillery. Although a large amount of energy goes into our careers, we still make time to do fun stuff in between.
Our latest project has been starting a garden!
I did not take pictures of when Holland first build the beds and I REALLY regret it. But here are some beginning pictures after we got most of our plants set up.
We got started late so we bought most of them from plants but we started some from seeds and those are going CRAZY!We had to put in lattice for the cucumbers and cantaloupe to grow on and it is taking off!
about 3 days after we put in lattice ................................................two weeks later!
Hopefully the heat of the summer will not kill everything that has been trying its best to survive. I am hoping these peppers will ripen up soon so we can cook something awesome with them.
Welcome to the blogging world! I hope you keep this little blog up as well. I am so impressed with your garden! I'm going to have to convince Matt to build one once we move into the house.